Infomatix Business Update: 9th to 15th November 2021

3 min readNov 15, 2021


After the successful launch on 2nd November, we’re thrilled to share with you our Business Update for the week from 9th to 15th November. Additionally, in this update, we will go over the events are scheduled for the upcoming weeks.

Infomatix has achieved significant progress in product development, and our dedicated team is presently focusing on the last stages of development ahead of the product launch.

🟢 This Weeks’ Achievements

Infomatix Portal Development and New Team Members 🚀

V1 of Infomatix Portal is under development and will be released to the public in December. We hired a new DevOps Engineer and a new QA Engineer to make sure things are moving smoothly and that the platform is released as planned.

We also hired a new team member to manage influencer outreach and relationships and a media buyer and ads specialist to focus on Twitter and YouTube ads.

We have job roles open for,

  • After Effects Editor
  • Video Editor
  • Local Community Managers

Want to be a part of this amazing team? Feel free to DM @auda159 on Telegram with samples of your work.

AMA with IM Community 👥

Infomatix CEO Nathan Fowler joined an AMA session with IM Community on 10th November 2021. IM Community is a Vietnamese crypto community with 45,000+ members. This AMA helped us reach out to a lot of people around the Vietnam region.

Infomatix Blog Contest Winners Announcement and Reward Distribution 💰

The first-ever Infomatix blog contest came to an end on 30th October 2021. @davebelini ’s article, which addressed the topic “How Infomatix benefits users to manage their alternative asset classes”, was selected as the first prize winner.

Here’s a link to the article which secured the first place, feel free to have a read:

Rewards for the contest was distributed on 12th November 2021.

🟢 Upcoming Events and Calendar

We achieved a lot after the successful launch on 2nd November. But this is just the beginning of something extraordinary. We have a lot more planned for the upcoming weeks.

$INFO Staking to Launch Soon! 🙌

Great news to all our token holders. We are planning to go live with $INFO staking on 19th November 2021. More details on this will be announced soon.

PR Agency Partnership 🤝

We have engaged a PR agency to manage our PR for the rest of the year; their first milestone will be to run our press release in over 200 publications, including Yahoo Finance and Forbes.

$INFO Top and Mid Tier Exchange Listings ✅

We are planning to get listed on top and mid-tier exchanges by December 23rd. More details regarding this are to be announced in the upcoming weeks.

Infomatix Calendar 📅

Feel free to visit our calendar on Notion to keep track of our upcoming events and the ones we have already achieved.


🟢 About Infomatix

Infomatix allows experts to monetise their unique expertise and reduces communication bottlenecks by combining demand for price data with the supply of expert knowledge. With Infomatix, anybody looking to trade non-public assets may connect with a wide variety of experts to get pricing and background information.

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