Nathan Fowler — Founder and CEO of Infomatix

4 min readSep 20, 2021

The second article of Meet Our Team series is here. In this article, we will be introducing you to our Founder and CEO, Nathan Fowler.

Nathan Fowler is a well-experienced investor who has been investing in real estate, cryptocurrencies, and artworks. In this article, we will be talking about his background, how Infomatix came to be, his responsibilities as a CEO, and much more!

You can follow him on Twitter @nathanmatix

A brief summary of his background…

Nathan has aspired to be an investor since he was a teenager. He made his first investment at the age of 17 and immediately became hooked on investing and studying the market. Since his initial investment, Nathan has invested in various industries, including Tech, Financials, Commodities and many more. In 2016, he learned about Bitcoin and was one of the few fortunate enough to purchase it for around 500$ and see it soar to a whopping $20000 In a very short time.

Nathan previously worked as an Accounts Executive at Intuit, where he gained extensive expertise managing projects from beginning to end. Just before the 2020 halving, still holding all of his BTC from the last cycle, Nathan decided to put together a team to analyze various alternative cryptocurrency projects to invest in. However, he couldn't determine which projects would give the best results and he ended up purchasing $100 worth of the top 100 cryptocurrencies as a way to gain exposure to the “Alts”.

Now armed with his new Alt-folio he needed to track its performance and understand which projects were outperforming the others… A most difficult task when there are so many individual tickers involved. It was the task of trying to understand this portfolio and compare it with his more traditional assets that lead the the creation of Nosis and then Infomatix.

Nathan and his colleagues started developing Nosis, a tool for visualizing users’ stocks, cryptocurrency, real estate, and and alternative assets all in one place. Once Nosis was created, the team realized how difficult it was to get the data they needed for non traditional assets for example, how to value an artwork or a pair of Yeezy’s, which then led the tram to the creation of Infomatix.

Nathan is the driving force behind everything that happens at Infomatix. His day-to-day duties as the CEO of Infomatix include

  • Managing an ever growing team, Identifying the most qualified individuals for each task and ensuring that everyone is working toward the same goal.
  • Meeting the needs of the product and making sure that it is spectacular, functions properly and has a fantastic look.
  • In collaboration with investors, ensuring the presale, IDO, and launch goes well and developing marketing strategies to advance the project.

According to Nathan, the total market that Infomatix can target is a multibillion-dollar industry with very few competitors. With the first-mover advantage, Infomatix’s capacity to manage a more significant number of users, expand in a vast proportion without additional effort and the fact that Infomatix solves a global problem make the future growth potential of Infomatix and Nosis immense.

Apart from Infomatix, Nathan is a fan of Dogecoin; despite being a joke, he thinks it has the enormous community puts it in a category of its own. According to him, Dogecoin has the potential to become the base currency that individuals use for day to day transactions for a variety of reasons, including low transaction fees and a secure network with complete decentralization.

Who inspired him most and the motto that he follows…

Since his youth, Nathan’s inspiration has been his father, who educated him about investment and paved the way for him to get to where he is today.

The motto he follows and lives by is “In Principio Erat Verbum Et Verbum Caro Factum Est” which means, In the beginning, was the word and the word was made Flesh. Nathan speaks his reality into being and looking at all he has achieved there may be some truth to this.

We are looking forward to introducing you to each of the essential members of our team. Keep an eye out for further information!

About Infomatix

Infomatix allows experts to monetize their unique expertise and reduces communication bottlenecks by combining demand for price data with the supply of expert knowledge. With Infomatix, anybody looking to trade non-public assets may connect with a wide variety of experts to get pricing and background information.

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